✅ Melania Trump in Pants !

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The speech was published on Christmas Eve via the president's Twitter, just as Trump was attempting to amend a new stimulus bill that had passed in both the House and the Senate, throwing a spanner in what had been over 9 months of delicate negotiations.

What did Donald and Melania Trump say in their Christmas Speech?
The speech starts with Melania wishing “every American a very Merry Christmas” on behalf of herself and the president.

Donald Trump, the lame duck president who is due to leave office on 20 January 2020, says

“During the sacred season, Christians celebrate the greatest miracle in human history. More than 2,000 years ago, God sent his only begotten son to be with us."

Trump goes on to quote the Bible’s Luke 2:11 in which “an angel announced the birth of our lord and savior to humble shepherds. He said, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all of the people. Today in the town of David, a savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord. You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.””

Trump continues, “at Christmas, we thank God for sending us his son to bring peace to our souls and joy to the world.”

First Lady Melania Trump goes on to reference the coronavirus pandemic, for which her husband has come under repeated criticism for his failures.

“As you know, this Christmas is different than years past. We are battling a global pandemic that has affected all of us. Yet, through this great challenge, we have been inspired by the kindness and courage of citizens across this country.”

“Teachers have worked extraordinarily hard to keep our children learning. Students have delivered groceries to elderly neighbors. Communities have found new ways to stay connected to one another. Courageous first responders, doctors, and nurses have given everything to save lives. Brilliant scientists have developed treatments and vaccines.”

The president then takes credit for the vaccine rollout; “we are delivering millions of doses of a safe and effective vaccine that will soon end this terrible pandemic and save millions and millions of lives. We’re grateful for all of the scientists, researchers, manufacturing workers, and service members who have worked tirelessly to make this breakthrough possible. It is truly a Christmas miracle.”

Melania also thanks military and police workers, "during this wonderful time of year, we also give thanks for the brave and selfless Americans who keep us safe. We are forever grateful for the men and women of law enforcement and the heroes of the United States military.”

Trump finished with some good old fashioned patriotism. "In this holy season, we thank God for his infinite love and we pray that the light of his glory will forever shine on this magnificent land. On behalf of Melania and the entire Trump family, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

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