Butt Workout For Women ! Butt Workout For Women At Home #shorts #homeworkout #exercise

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Butt Workout For Women ! Butt Workout For Women At Home #shorts #homeworkout #exercise

To achieve a rounder butt, a comprehensive workout program that targets the glutes is necessary. Here are some exercises that you can incorporate into your routine:

Squats: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and then lower your hips down as if you're sitting back into a chair. Make sure to keep your weight in your heels and push back up to starting position.

Deadlifts: Stand with feet hip-width apart, bend at the hips and knees to grasp a barbell (or a pair of dumbbells). Keeping your back straight, stand up, using your hips and glutes to lift the weight.

Lunges: Stand with feet hip-width apart, take a step forward with one foot and lower your hips towards the ground. Push back up to starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Glute bridges: Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Drive your heels into the floor, lifting your hips up towards the ceiling. Hold for a moment at the top and then lower back down.

Step-ups: Stand in front of a bench or step and place one foot on the bench. Push through that foot to lift your body up onto the bench, bringing your other foot up to meet it. Step down with the same foot you started with.

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