From rock bottom and low self-esteem, to being dead chuffed in his body.

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From rock bottom and low self-esteem, to being dead chuffed in his body thanks to the programme and @neilphysiqueacademy

Michael turned his life around after losing 53 lbs in 6 months with Physique Academy.

When Michael joined Physique Academy, he was at a low point. Not only did he feel deflated when looking In the mirror and seeing a dad who was 30kg overweight, with sore knees…

But he was worried about the example this could have with his kids. And having tried diets in the past (none of them were sustainable) and often fearing carbs…he saw what regular guys were achieving with us:

So Micheal began phase one of the program. At first, Michael was shocked by the number of carbs on the plan…

He used to think carbs were the devil.

Yet after the weight began falling off, and his shirt sizes were going down, he realized how many lies are out there, especially around carbs! And when it came to his training, he did three workouts a week in a home gym, coupled with three days of cardio.

That's it.

Here's what Michael had to say
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