JESUS LUZ/Dj/Swimmer/Actor/Model

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Jesus Luz, who was born and raised in Brazil, is well-known for his good looks throughout the entire world. Jesus has been a working model for over ten years. Jesus has made more than just his good looks available to the world. He started DJing in 2010, and a few years later, he started performing professionally.
But despite everything he's done and achieved over the years, most people only know him from his association with Madonna. Before breaking up, the couple dated for roughly two years. However, Jesus has persisted in making his presence known over the years since the split.

Jesus has always placed a high value on time spent in nature. He had plenty of time to take in the beauty of his surroundings because he was raised in Rio. "Rio is very rich in nature," he said. I enjoy spending time in the country and at the beach. I've always placed a high value on it. I get the impression that being in nature recharges my soul.
Swimming for Jesus at one point in his life was much more than just a pastime. He actually spent a few years swimming competitively when he was younger and claims to have been a pretty good swimmer. Even though those times are in the past, he still enjoys swimming whenever the opportunity arises.
His father, who has always been a fervent follower of Jesus Christ, gave him the name Jesus. He stated to Interview Magazine, "My father [gave me] my name because he always admired Jesus Christ as the most philosophical mind of all time. Therefore, when he named me, he made a deal in his heart and mind, saying, "I'm going to name you Jesus so everything good in life is going to come to you because they're going to make the homage to Jesus." It's a very unique name.

Jesus took seriously his decision to pursue a career as a DJ. He spent roughly three months honing his DJ skills at Dubspot in New York City. He picked up the fundamentals of DJing there, like how to combine two songs and loop sounds, during his time there.
Jesus Luz has completely moved on, despite the fact that most people still associate him with his romance with Madonna. He has a happy marriage to DJ and fellow model Carol Ramiro. Their first child, a daughter named Malena, was born in 2016. Currently, the family resides in Brazil.
Over the years, Jesus has studied a variety of religions and philosophical systems. He was introduced to Kabbalah during his relationship with Madonna and continues to practice it today. Kabbalah "is a part of Jewish tradition that deals with the essence of God," according to Reform Judaism.
Jesus enjoys putting on a show and entertaining people. Jesus originally wanted to be an actor before pursuing careers in modeling and DJing. He had theater classes when he was young. He lists Selton Mello and Jack Nicholson as two of his favorite actors.

Jesus was a family-oriented individual even before getting married and having a child. Jesus' mother raised him primarily after his parents divorced when he was around 5 years old. He has worked hard to set a good example for his two younger half brothers, with whom he has very close relationships.

The adage "practice makes perfect" is well known, but how much practice is really needed to achieve perfection? Malcolm Gladwell proposes 10,000 hours as the solution. According to the 10,000 Hour Rule, it takes 10,000 hours of focused practice to become an expert at something. Jesus Luz adheres to this principle and set a goal of 10,000 hours of modeling experience at the start of his career.
Jesus and his wife have adopted a very progressive approach to raising their daughter. I'm a very open-minded father, in a good way, he declared. As long as she adheres to the moral standards in which Carol [his wife] and I believe, my daughter is free to be whoever she wants to be. I object to "boy or girl" toys. Whatever my daughter wants to play with, she can.
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