Reality about smoking you should know | Share to spread awareness

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This video explains the situation of smoking in India, what happens when you smoke tobacco products and their consequences. I have also offered a solution in this video which is a very drastic step in the right direction. Until tobacco products are banned, you should know their consequences and refrain from such unhealthy habits.

Here are some other answers to your queries about smoking.

Will a single cigarette have any effect on my body?

Cigarette smoke contains high quantities of free radicals and other oxidants. With just a single puff of a cigarette, a smoker gets exposed to over 1015 free radicals in the gas phase and oxidants in the tar phase. It also causes oxidative injury to proteins, DNA, and lipids.

Do you often get sick because of a throat infection, viral fever or cold?

You may wonder, despite eating everything right, why are you still getting sick? The reason is smoking or your history of tobacco. Cigarette smoking compromises the immune system (both innate and adaptive immunity). This makes smokers more susceptible to disease and contributes to the cause of chronic diseases in the long term.

Do you often cough with phlegm?

Yes, the reason is your frequent smoke breaks. The symptoms caused by smoking are coughing, phlegm, wheezing, and dyspnea. Don't ignore these symptoms, and reduce smoking if any of these symptoms are troubling you often. And if you are coughing blood, you have a respiratory infection. Consult a doctor immediately.

Does smoking cause cancer immediately?
Cancer is not an immediate effect. But cigarette smoking contributes to many chronic diseases that typically occur in middle and late adulthood, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Few cigarettes might not get you cancer. But it leads to nicotine addiction, and you will not even know when those 1-2 cigarettes per day will lead to 1-2 packs.

Is smoking hukka and cigars better than cigarette smoking?
Pipe and cigars are expensive, so they are better than cigarettes. Is this what you think?
Sorry to break the news. Pipes and cigars smoke contain similar harmful toxins to those found in cigarette smoke.

But pipe and cigar smokers are better off because compared to cigarette smoking, people smoke pipes and cigars less frequently, and the smoke is inhaled less deeply.
Hookah is also smoked less frequently when compared to cigarettes. Otherwise, studies reveal that hookah smokers had significantly higher NNAL (product formed by chemicals found in tobacco products) concentrations than nonsmokers but substantially lower than cigarette smokers.
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